
Showing posts from October, 2017

week 5

Today durning PBL we talked to Iko, Kane and Jade about their compost project and how to tie it to ours. We planned to sort though it and add to our worm bin and when enough fertilizer is made we will give it to Hana and Mike for their garden we are also brainstorming new ways to get people more involved in compost. lastly we are in the process for finding the spot for our bin.

week 4

This week has been all about reality checks. While writing our timeline we realized that we would only be able to start our bin and add our worms after fall break. That sets us back a few weeks but we will have to make do. We are also in the middle of figuring out our location for the worm bin. It needs to be shady with room to grow. Last but not least we need to figure out a way to collect and sort our compost.   We have our work cut out for us!