
We did it, we finally set up our worm bin! following Mrs. Fosters guidance it is making the progression of our worm bin come to steady pace. Charlie made a schedule for when to feed and water. we also had our first mishap. someone decided to put orange peels into the bin, which would have been fine except that the worms cannot have orange peels. So we quickly pulled them out and made a sign people to please not feed the worms. We will also have to find a time to tell the school about the worm. Our final presentation is coming along we just have to make time to talk through it again and cut the work load equally.
On Monday Mrs. Foster came during lunch to help us set up our worm bin.Together we put paper and food scraps down, then added the worms. She taught us how to identify a healthy worm bin and also helped us to create a schedule for feeding and watering. Thank you Auntie!!! We will feed and water them again tomorrow.
Last week Mrs. Foster lent us her time and came to talk to us during lunch. And we are so glad she did! Mrs. foster taught us how to start and maintain our worm bin. She also confirmed that our spot under the banana trees was indeed ideal.

week 5

Today durning PBL we talked to Iko, Kane and Jade about their compost project and how to tie it to ours. We planned to sort though it and add to our worm bin and when enough fertilizer is made we will give it to Hana and Mike for their garden we are also brainstorming new ways to get people more involved in compost. lastly we are in the process for finding the spot for our bin.

week 4

This week has been all about reality checks. While writing our timeline we realized that we would only be able to start our bin and add our worms after fall break. That sets us back a few weeks but we will have to make do. We are also in the middle of figuring out our location for the worm bin. It needs to be shady with room to grow. Last but not least we need to figure out a way to collect and sort our compost.   We have our work cut out for us!

week 3

This week we finished our proposal for the worm bin.  We all wrote everything school board would need to know in order to allow us to get the process started.  Our teachers gave us some advice and feedback for the proposal draft, before we turned it in. Our next step will be preparing the space for the bin and start collecting uneaten fruits and vegetables. this is where we are temporarily storing our worm bin

Week 2

This week we made progress with our experiment and with the worms. We found the price with the worms and what the total cost is going to add up to with each worm we buy. We have also succeeded with is the worm bin and where the best conditions the bin will have with the heat. The last thing is we figured out who is our sponsor and she is going to help a lot with starting it out and how to maintain the bin in the long run.